Advanced Biomedical Sciences

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Advanced Biomedical Sciences
Great Departments
Developmental and Reconstructive Medical Sciences


Professor KONDOH Eiji
kondoh(at mark)
Associate Professor OHBA Takashi
tkohba(at mark)
Assistant Professor SASAKI Rumi
Assistant Professor IWAGOI Yutaka

Research theme

 In the field of gynecology, we are conducting histopathological and molecular biological analyses to elucidate the molecular mechanisms
involved in carcinogenesis and progression of gynecological tumors, especially ovarian and endometrial cancer. We are continuing basic and
clinical analyses to elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in peritoneal dissemination of ovarian cancer stem cells and their resistance
to anticancer drug therapy. Estrogen is involved in the carcinogenesis of endometrial cancer, and mutations in the PTEN tumor suppressor gene are frequently observed. To elucidate the involvement of endocrine factors and genetic mutations, we are conducting analyses using genetically engineered mice, cell lines, and endometrial cancer tissues. We are developing new treatment strategies for young patients with endometrial cancer considering their endocrinological background.
 In the field of obstetrics, we are exploring the possibility of predicting the onset of gestational hypertension by genetic analysis of early chorionic villi, and are aiming to establish a treatment strategy to prevent gestational hypertension in the future. In addition, by analyzing cervical tissues obtained from first-time and perinatal women, we aim to identify epigenomic changes involved in cervical ripening and establish medical interventions that can modulate the progression of labor in the future.