Education Program

Special Program / Research Centers

Special Program

In addition to general courses (medical basic science / clinical medicine), the following education courses are available.

1. General course (medical basic science)

This course is designed to nurture world-class researchers and educators who will be active in medical and life science fields.

2. General course (clinical medicine)

This course is designed to nurture medical professionals with a research mindset such as clinicians with strongly driven research aspirations.

3. The Course of Educational Program for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS

This course is designed to nurture basic medical researchers and health care workers in infectious diseases and HIV / AIDS caused by various pathogenic microorganisms.
We provide systematic education on infectious diseases through a number of characteristic programs, including lectures to gain a broad knowledge of infectious diseases rooted in basic medicine, clinical medicine, and social medicine; acquisition of basic medical experiment methods; clinical education at the National Center for Global Health and Medicine or Kumamoto University Hospital; research presentations and discussions at cross-laboratory seminars and international symposia; and collaborative research at overseas research institutions. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to work as independent researchers and medical professionals with specialized knowledge and skills at advanced research institutes, medical institutions, and international organizations at home and abroad.

4. The Course of Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of interdisciplinary fields related to developmental biology and regenerative medicine and nurtures leading researchers and doctors who will tackle the problems that must be solved in practicing future developmental biology and regenerative medicine. In addition to offering unique subjects to the developmental biology and regenerative medicine course, a common curriculum is also incorporated, and research guidance in cooperation with multiple faculty members in related fields. In particular, we incorporate “Learning” through group work by students and faculty members from different fields in our practice subjects, and in research guidance, progress reports in which multiple faculty members give advice on students’ periodic research reports are implemented, and educational and research communication is developed in which students and faculty members are integrated. All the unique subjects in this course are offered in English.

5. The Program for Experts of Metabolism, Circulation and Related Informatics

This course develops life science researchers who are familiar with the clinical pathology of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, top-class clinicians with a research mind, and epidemiology and health care professionals with excellent pathological knowledge.

6. The Course of Educational Program for extension of healthy life expectancy

This course aims to foster young researchers with a wide range of knowledge and high level of expertise to solve the problem of extending healthy life expectancy faced by developed countries including Japan and Southeast Asian countries by conducting advanced basic and clinical research such as elucidation of aging mechanisms, search for aging and healthy longevity markers, and development of new treatment methods for various aging-related diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, and dementia.

Research Centers