General Information


1756 Shigekata Hosokawa, lord of Higo province founded a medical school, Saishunkan
1871 The name was changed to Governmental Medical School and Hospital (usually called Furushiro Medical College) because of the change of local governing system in Japan
1881 The School was quitted by an Imperial edict to abolish all local governmental medical schools in Japan.
1896 Kumamoto Medical School was established under private management.
1922 The school was raised to the status of medical college under management by local government. Kumamoto Prefectural Kumamoto Medical College.
1929 The management was changed to Japanese government. Governmental Kumamoto Medical College.
1939 Technical Medical School and Institute of Constitutional Medicine attached to Medical College were established.
1949 Kumamoto University was established due to the proclamation of National School establishment Law (law No.150, 1949), Kumamoto Medical College was incorporated with the attached hospital as Medical School.
1955 Graduate School of Medical Sciences (Doctoral Course) was instituted.
1966 Toxicology Institute attached to Medical School was established.
1973 Attached Institute of Medical Immunology was established.
1981 Laboratory Animal Research Center attached to Medical School was established.
1982 Toxicology Institute and Institute of Medical Immunology were integrated into new Institute of Medical Immunology attached to Medical School.
1983 Institute of Constitutional Medicine, Kumamoto University was reorganized to Institute of Medical Genetics attached to Medical School.
1992 Institute of Medical Immunology and Institute of Medical Genetics were re-organized to Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics attached to Medical School. Department of Neuroscience and Immunology was established in Graduate School of Medical Sciences.
1997 Center for AIDS Research, Kumamoto University was established. Laboratory Animal Research Center attached to Medical School was re-organized to Center for Animal Resources and Development, Kumamoto University.
2000 Institute of Medical Genetics attached to Medical School was re-organized to Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics, Kumamoto University.
2002 Master Course was established in Graduate School of Medical Sciences.
2003 Center for Animal Resources and Development, Research Center for Isotope Science, Honjo Radioisotope Laboratory, Instrumental Analysis Center and Gene Technology Center were integrated to Institute of Resource Development and Analysis. School of Health Sciences was established in school of Medicine.
Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences were integrated and re-organized to Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences.