Integrated Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
The purposes of this division are to formulate a new system of basic medical and pharmaceutical sciences, and to open up a new way to apply the new system in ultramodern biomedical researches.
■Metabolic and Cardiovascular Medicine
The major objectives of our departments are as follows: 1) Clarification of molecular mechanism of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. 2) Identification of novel molecules, which regulate metabolism and cardiovascular system. 3) Establishment of new diagnosis, prophylaxis and therapeutics based on the research findings.
■Basic and Clinical Medicine
The Purpose of this great department is progression of the basic medical research and establishment of new therapeutic strategies. We reveal physiological and pathological states of human beings from the structural and functional aspects at many different levels; molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and whole bodies.
■Sensory and Motor Organ Sciences
For human beings the sensory and motor systems are essential to recognize environmental condition and act properly to avoid injuries. We reveal physiological and pathological or injurious states of the sensory and motor systems from the structural and functional aspects, and establish new therapeutic strategies for the treatments of diseases in this systems.
■Biomedical Informatics
The objective of a research of biomedical informatics is to study the difference between physiological variation and pathological one recognized in the cells, tissues, organs by using various techniques such imaging instruments (photoradiology, ultrasonics, and photochemistry), morphorogical methods (histology, pathology and molecular biology), analytical separation methods of biological meterials (enzymology, immunology, hematology and biochemistry) and electrophysiology in neurophysiology (electro-magnetic wave and electroscope), to elucidate the pathogenesis of diseases and to establish adequate and accurate diagnosis and therapy.
To optimize or individualize a drug therapy based upon genetically determined polymorphisms (pharmacogenomics) and environmental factors (e.g., aging) by analyzing the genomics-related pharmacokinetics of the drugs. Furthermore, the above-mentioned physiologically-adapted and artificial alternative developments will be challenged in the department.
■Medicinal Chemistry
The objects of our researches on searches and developments of highly selective synthetic methods for physiologically active materials and medicinal resources which act on the functional bio-macromolecules such as receptors and enzymes. The research area concerns with construction of theories based on the experimental examinations about the interaction between obtained drugs and target bio-molecules.
Advanced Biomedical Sciences
■Microbiology and Immunology
The major research projects on going are as follows. 1) Investigation of infection and pathogenesis of microorganisms at the molecular level, 2) Molecular mechanisms of infectious diseases, 3) Molecular biological analyses of immune system protecting hosts from infection and cancer, 4) Research of pathogenesis and pathophysiology of immunological disorders, and 5) Application of research results to diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases and immunological disorders.
The purpose of this great department is to reveal the structure and function of neuronal system from the development to senility in the physiological and pathological conditions. Because the personality and the social behavior are manifestations of the integrated brain function, studies on mechanisms, therapeutics and prevention of the abnormality of these manifestations should be also included.
■Cancer Medicine
In Cancer Medicine Departments, molecular mechanisms on carcinogenesis, cancer cell proliferation/differentiation and metastasis, search for novel and valuable molecules, and tumor immunology and endocrinology are investigated for future development of novel cancer diagnostic makers, molecular and immunological therapy of cancers.
■Medical Technologies and Sciences
From at the molecular and cellular level, we observe and analyze living tissue, organs, and the body as a whole.
■Developmental and Reconstructive Medical Sciences
Developmental and Reconstructive Medical Science conduct comprehensive medical research in biological alternation cycle of human life comprised of heredity, reproduction, neoplastic alteration, development and growth. On the other hand Developmental and Reconstructive Medical Sciences lead treatments of pathological lesions, reconstruction, and transplantation surgical studies to ensure high quality life of patients in every generation.
■Molecular and Genomic Pharmacy
To develop therapeutics and their new theories against common diseases (diabetes, obesity etc), genetic diseases and cancer, we study on molecular and cellular biology, structural biology, computational molecular design, and bioorganic medicinal chemistry.
Environmental and Sociomedical Sciences
■Environmental Biomedical Sciences
This department studies how changes in the nature and social structures of the environment of human beings effect the health and disease of individuals and the biomedical ethics and forensic medicine of human society. The purpose of this department is to reveal relationships between human beings and their environments using the analytical methods of modern medical and biological sciences. We also make pertinent proposals to society on demand.
■Environmental and Analytical Sciences
We establish methods for the analysis of various hazardous factors in environment such as metals, organic compounds, and viruses, and develop rationally novel drugs which can be applied to protection and therapeutic use, through the studies on the interactions between the environmental factor and biological molecules.
We promote the research of care theory, nursing techniques, and educational skills in regard to the mental and physical support for both the sick and the healthy.