These seminars will be given in principle from 17:30 on Wednesdays of the month at the lecture room 2 on the 3rd floor of the Medical Education & Library Building. However, the date, time or place of these lectures may change due to the instructor’s and lecturer’s schedules. Please check the details on the page above.
We might add the seminar other than originally planned.

Report form

【Master’s Course】

C2 Medicine and Life Science Seminar (Medical and Life science Seminar, Learning from Experienced Doctors Seminar and International Biomedical Research Seminars), require students to attend more than 8 lectures for credit before completion of their Thesis research. Write 1 essay based on 1 talk chosen from more than 8 lectures.


【Application form for report.】

Medicine and Life Science Seminar【Word】


【Doctoral Course】

D1 “Medical and Life Science Seminar”, D2 “Learning from Experienced Doctors” and D5 “International Biomedical Research Seminars”, require students to attend more than 15 lectures for credit before completion of their Thesis research. Write 2 essays based on 2 talks chosen from more than 15 lectures.


【Application form for report.】


Medical and Life science Seminar【Word】

Learning from Experienced Doctors Seminar【Word】

International Biomedical Research Seminars【Word】


Information about attendance and reports of “Medical and Life Science Seminar”, “Learning from Experienced Doctors” and “International Biomedical Research Seminars”.

The number of “attendance” and “submitted reports” Updates are scheduled three times a year in June, October, and January.

Updated 2023/7/5