For Current Students




場所:国際先端医学研究拠点施設1階ミーティングラウンジ または、ZOOMによるオンラインセミナー

No 開催日 講師 演題 所属先・職名
1 May 17 Robert Stephenson Navigating paper submission and peer review Senior Editor, Nature Communications
2 June 26
Jianlong Wang Molecular Control of Stem Cell and Developmental Potency Columbia University
3 July 24
Yuta Takahashi Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mammals IRCMS
4 August 28
Ralf Jauch The directed and natural evolution of the molecular toolkit of stem cells Hongkong University
5 September 18 Michael Milsom Inflammation drives accelerated aging of the hematopoietic stem cell compartment German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
6 October 23 Ryo Yamamoto Atlas of Cynomolgus Macaque Hematopoiesis Kyoto University
7 November 18 Seah-Ling Kuan Designing Protein Conjugates for Biomedical Application Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
8 December 18 Jana Maria Ellegast Exploiting inflammatory signaling in Acute Myeloid Leukemia University Hospital Zurich
9 January 29 Robert Signer University of California
10 January Jana ELLEGAST Acute myeloid leukemia Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, The University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
11 February Greg WANG Epigenetics Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University, USA
12 March Els MANSELL HSC Assistant Professor, Hematology Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands