
神経精神医学 Department of Neuropsychiatry



教授 竹林 実
准教授 朴 秀賢
助教 新井 脩泰




  1. 気分障害におけるグリア・炎症に着目したバイオマーカー・創薬研究
  2. ニューロモデュレーション(ECT, TMSなど)の治療・再発予防・メカニズム・新しいモダリティ開発に関する臨床・基礎的研究
  3. 気分障害・統合失調症のエピゲノムに着目した病態研究
  4. 高齢者の大規模認知症・うつ病コホート研究(熊本県荒尾市)
  5. 高齢者うつ病と自殺予防に関するフィールド研究(熊本県あさぎり町)
  6. せん妄に関する臨床・基礎的研究
  7. 認知症・うつ病の神経心理と脳画像に関する臨床研究
  8. 児童・思春期うつ病に関する臨床および病態研究
  9. 認知症と発達障害の関連性に関する臨床研究

 Purpose of our study is to create innovation of psychiatric objective diagnostic method and novel therapy by revealing mystery in pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders based on integration of psychiatry, brain science, psychology, pharmacology and engineering. Our institute collaborates with Kumamoto university, and other several research institutes. Our research is translational between clinical and basic field and topics are as follows;

  1. Development of biomarker and drug discovery in mood disorders from the perspective of glia and brain inflammation.
  2. Development of neuromodulation therapy such as ECT and TMS for its method, relapse prevention, mechanism of effect and new modality.
  3. Pathophysiology of mood disorders and schizophrenia from the perspective of epigenome.
  4. Large scale cohort study of dementia and mood disorders for elderly people (Arao city in Kumamoto).
  5. Prevention of geriatric mood disorders from suicide (Asagiri-cho in Kumamoto).
  6. Clinical and basic research on delirium
  7. Brain imaging study for dementia and mood disorders.
  8. Clinical feature and pathophysiology in mood disorders at childhood and early adolescence.
  9. Association study of dementia and developmental disorders.

Contact address; Shuken Boku MD, PhD:boku.shuken@kuh.kumamoto-u.ac.jp